Burned Out
Apr 06, 2022
Indulge me -- I created an acronym. This is one of the biggest problems I am seeing. Does any of this resonate with you?
B - Burned out
U - Unfulfilled
R - Repressing feelings
N - Neglecting self
E - Energy drains
D - Depressed
O - Overwhelm
U - Unsatisfied
T - Time Out
Burnout and Overwhelm are a real thing… and not one to ignore.
We have been indoctrinated and bought into a dysfunctional system that is built to stress the crap out of us. It’s not you. It’s our systems and what we learned is supposed to create a happy and fulfilling life. But more often than not, I see people beating themselves up that they are trying to do ALL THE THINGS and yet feel tired, cranking, depressed, and in a cycle of self-judgment and at times shame because they think everyone else is able to handle it.
NOT TRUE! Addiction is at an all-time high, there is an opiate epidemic, and obesity/emotional eating, etc. is at 70% for women and men. These are all epidemics, not just individual issues. But we think it is.
We end up trying to work out, download apps that supposedly will 'give us peace' and then forget about them, go on diets, or grasp for more things to do to avoid the fact that our bodies and minds are screaming at us to take care of our own life and body.
It’s tough to go against the norm and try to create a life more on your own terms. But isn’t that statement confounding? Somehow we have normalized being dysfunctionally crazy busy at the expense of our own physical and emotional wellness.
Something is deeply wrong with this picture. Our bodies can thrive, we don’t have to be on an emotional rollercoaster, and we can live taking risks to ingrate more of our passions in life. But we are so conditioned to think this is normal and ok.
Living Burned Out is not ok for you, your body, and your emotional well-being and satisfaction in life. That’s why I put TIME OUT at the end. We need a time out to evaluate what is really going on -- what is draining our energy and sucking us dry.
This is your one sacred life. There are ways to shift this but some things would need to change but you can… otherwise, I would have had to quit my job 30 years ago as a therapist and coach.
Is it time for a life review?
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